hhs kurumsal scaled
It was established in 2001 with three partners, one being a Business Specialist, the other a Master Architect and the third a Construction Technician.
It aimed to intersect the lines of QUALITY, AESTHETICS and TECHNOLOGY at the same point.It was established in 2001 with three partners, one of which is a Business Specialist, the other is a Master Architect and the third is a Construction Technician. It aimed to intersect the lines of QUALITY, AESTHETICS and TECHNOLOGY at the same point.

Our company, which aims to gain a place in the sector by differentiating, offers the products it collects under the name of "YAPI OTOMASYON TEKNOLOJİLERİ" to the customer's taste.

Our company, which is specialized in its field of activity, aims to be the only one in its field with its experienced staff and serves in Sakarya and its surroundings. Our company, which provided sales and after-sales services for the products it was a dealer of until 2002, has started to manufacture certain products since 2002.

Our company, which divides its products into three categories as HOUSING GROUP, COMMERCIAL GROUP and INDUSTRIAL GROUP, will continue its progress by following the innovations in the sector that is developing every day with its experienced staff, complete product range and differentiation understanding.


Our Vision

"Our company, which has been operating in the Building Automation Technologies sector for many years, is growing day by day with its local, national and international trade. The most important driving force of our success is that our customer satisfaction rates are at the maximum level. Our vision is to make our corporate presence sustainable and to create new to pass it on to generations.

Our Brands

While HHS Automatic Door is our registered trademark, we also have registered trademarks for our different activities. For our internet sales, our Automatic Door Market, Blinds and Shutter brand Alustor, of which we are the Authorized Regional Distributor; Nice and many international brands are included in our company.